Club Activities
Various clubs are functioning in the school to develop the overall personality of the students. They are, Tamil club, English club, Maths club, Science club, Social Science club and Arts club.
To develop the skills of the students and enhance the team spirit, group dynamics, creativity, and self-motivation.
To discover the innate talents and interest of the students and strengthen to bring out their potentials.
To shape the students by chiseling them into a responsible and respectable citizen of the country.
To hone the students’ ideas to shape their social and soft skills, hobbies and leadership qualities.
Interact Club
It is a Rotary sponsored club. It gives ample opportunities for children in the age group of 12_18 to participate in meaningful service. It also helps to develop leadership skill among students.
Motto: Service Above All
The Inaugural and Charter Installation of Interact Club of PSG Sarvajana Hr Sec School was organized on 5.2.24 in the school campus.
demonstrates helpfulness and respect for others
mentors dynamic young children to help local community.
develops leadership skills
helps to understand the value of individual responsibility.
planting saplings to create an eco friendly environment.
creating awareness on road safety
providing humanitarian service in and outside school

Tamil Club
The Tamil Club functions every fortnight. The club undertakes a wide range of activities to improve the language skill of the students and to come out with their talents. Students are trained to reach up the standard of participating and winning in the State Level competitions.
The Objectives of this Club are:
Identifying the unique skill
Developing the communication skill of the students.
Making the students enact in the dramas.
The Activities of this Club are:
Elocution contest
Essay writing
Poem Recitation
Composing the poems

English Club
The English Club for the classes VI to IX is functioning on alternate Tuesdays after the school hours. The following activities are being conducted in order to bring out the talents of the students.

The Objectives of this Club are:
Developing communication skill among the students
Preparing students for healthy competitions.
Helping the students participate in inter school competitions
Playing skits and dramas on various self and social awareness programs
Conducting public speaking sessions
Enhancing linguistic skills
Developing personality skills and soft skills
Emphasizing the importance of English globally as a window language
The Activities of this Club are:
Conducting language games word building/ word puzzle
Preparing jingles, slogans and parodies and competitions.
Composing poems and reciting with actions.
Conducting oratorical competitions and short speech.
Preparing students for songs and skits.
Singing English songs.
Maths Club
The Objectives of this Club are:
Stimulating mathematical curiosity
Encouraging the students to develop an interest for mathematics.
Enhancing the mathematical experience beyond the classroom and make the students understand that mathematics is an integral part of life.
Inspiring students for healthy thinking and facing challenges, and cooperation
Making the study of mathematics a fun and a learning with enjoyment.
The Activities of this Club are:
To develop Logical and Analytical thinking
To attend competitive exams(Test of Reasoning, Decimal Aptitude etc)
To develop their creativity
To develop the habit of library usage for project works given.
To develop the problem solving techniques
Group Discussion helps to develop their communication skills in future for job oriented interviews.

Science Club

Every year in the month of June, the Science Club will be organized to kindle the scientific knowledge in every walk of life. The students will be categorized into three units such as sub Junior Club (Std 6, 7, and 8), Junior Club (Std 9 and Std 10) and Senior Club (Std 11 and 12). Fourth Thursday of every month will be the Science Club activity day. On that day, the students will be grouped according to their area of interest in the Science and discuss the projects and working models that they can do. At the end of the academic year, the club will organize for a weeklong celebration of Science Exhibition. The best exhibits will be receiving awards and qualified to participate in the Inter School competitions.
The objectives of this club are:
To develop interest in science
To stimulate the habits of exploration and scientific attitude
To keep in touch with the recent scientific technology
To encourage the group and individual activities
To develop the creative abilities and new ideas
The activities of this club are:
Organizing debates, lectures
Conducting science exhibition and fairs.
Preparing of charts, working models
Reading the scientific magazines
Encouraging pioneer ideas
Social Science Club
The club members meet once in a fortnight on a Friday. Students of Std VI & VII are in one group and Students of STD VIII & IX form another group.
The Objectives of this Club are:
To create civic sense
To develop the knowledge about cultural heritage of our country
To make responsible and productive members of the society
To create awareness on patriotism, discipline and civilization
To realize the importance of national days and festivals
The Activities of this Club are:
conducting Quiz, Debates
Drawing the maps
Encouraging the coin collection, Philately, Album preparation
Preparing miniature of monuments.
Collecting details of important personalities, countries, cultures.

Arts and Crafts

All the students of standard VI to IX are the members of this club. They are trained in the following activities.
Pencil Shading
Using crayons/oil pastel
Craft Using Waste Materials like Match Sticks, Ice-cream Sticks, Straw, Paper Plates etc.,